Forward to The Future
A New Home for Medical Excellence
Explore the future site of the proposed Illinois College of Osteopathic Medicine (IllinoisCOM) in Chicago’s vibrant West Loop neighborhood.
Mission Statement
The mission of the proposed Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine program at the Illinois College of Osteopathic Medicine at The Chicago School is to train exceptional physicians to leverage the interconnection of physical and mental health to provide compassionate, patient-centered care of the highest quality. 
The proposed Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine program seeks to be the national leader in Osteopathic Medical Education that integrates mental and physical health to close gaps in community healthcare using the full ethos of osteopathic care. 


Radical Cooperation


Comprehensive Care
The future of health care is up to you.
Become part of our effort in increasing the number of physicians to address health care challenges in historically marginalized communities. Explore ways to give at the link below.
Last updated 7/5/24

The Chicago School’s proposed Illinois College of Osteopathic Medicine (IllinoisCOM) was granted candidate status from the Commission on Osteopathic College Accreditation (COCA) in April 2024 and is currently seeking pre-accreditation, which represents the third stage of COCA’s four-stage accreditation process.
The Commission on Osteopathic College Accreditation (COCA) serves the public by establishing, maintaining, and applying accreditation standards and procedures to ensure that academic quality and continuous quality improvement delivered by the colleges of osteopathic medicine, which reflects the evolving practice of osteopathic medicine. The scope of the COCA encompasses the accreditation of the colleges of osteopathic medicine.
More information about COCA accreditation is available here. You may contact the Department of Accreditation at:
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (312) 202-8124
Address: COCA, c/o AOA, 142 E. Ontario Street, Chicago, IL 60611-2864
For information regarding the proposed Illinois College of Osteopathic Medicine, Doctor of Osteopathic degree at The Chicago School please contact our team at:
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 312.467.2393